Thursday, November 15, 2012

Fresh Ideas

So after having a few revelations about who I am and what I may be doing "wrong" (so to speak), I came up with a couple of fresh ideas for my next batch of art readings.

For one, I want to change the style of my aura portraits. I'm not satisfied with how "simple" they are, and I want to add a bit of a creative flare to them. I'm wanting to work on two different types of aura readings: a lower-layer one and a higher-layer one... meaning one that  focuses on the more physical stuff, like emotions, thoughts, blocked areas, etc., and one that focuses on the higher information, such as life plan, etc. I was very inspired by the illustration from my previous aura post - I'd like to do something similar for the higher-layer portraits, and then something more raw and textured for the lower-layer ones. So I guess I'll experiment with that when the time comes. I think a more textured look - like with brush strokes - would be more visually appealing than the glowy effect, even if it does make it seem more... realistic. 

Now, my main idea was for spirit portraits. Before, I would just sit down and begin drawing whatever was coming through. But the thing is, I hate my style, and I need a lot of figure/portrait practice. I was supposed to do that over the summer. Guess what happened, though? I ended up focusing almost entirely on spirit/psychic art, which meant I wasn't observing from life. 

So this is what I'm going to start doing. I'm going to tune in, get a general idea of the entity or energy coming through, make a list of the various symbols and whatnot, and then use references to create an actual work of art that is much higher in quality than all my previous portraits. 

It's going to take a lot more time, yeah. But I'm going to be a lot more satisfied with these readings if I do them this way. I don't want to rush them, or have them be "work." I want them to be meaningful - to have a significant impact on a person and his/her path. At the same time, though, I need to be careful not to take on too many requests. This always happens when it comes to art... I can work relatively fast, but every time I open  up slots, I get like 20-30 requests on SF alone, and then I start feeling bad because I know people are excited and it's taking me forever to get to them. It all just ends up making me feel guilty and loony.

At first, I was hesitant about the whole "using references" thing for spirit art, but you know what? Screw it. I'm an art student, and using references is how you bloody learn. I don't claim to be a professional, and I'm obviously enrolled in art school, which means yes, I need practice and reference material whenever I can get it. It's not like much is changing - I'll still tune in to identify the energy and acquire the symbolism/colors associated with it; I just want these to be more like works of art and less like 15-20 min digital speedpaints that look wonky here and there because the artist still doesn't have a proper understanding of anatomy. If anything, this is even better for the sitter. If someone has a problem with it, then they just shouldn't make the request.

Like I mentioned before, though: I don't want to start these until I finish my card reading list... and there are still 13 people waiting for readings. I probably won't start the art readings for another couple of weeks for that reason, since I'll be in Louisiana from next Wednesday to the following Saturday (or Sunday).

I should get on that. Lol.

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