Sunday, April 21, 2013

Livestream: April 20, 2013

I was able to do another livestream session yesterday. The energy was wonderful, as always... I got to paint for seven, and all of them were Source self portraits, with the exception of one soul connection portrait and a guide portrait. 

A Source self interpretation for someone I've already painted for. This lovely young lady identifies two different aspects of her Source self - kind of like polar opposites. According to her, I painted her "darker" self in the past, so she wanted me to interpret her "lighter" self in yesterday's session. I'm not entirely happy with the way I rendered the figure/torso, but I had to move on. This one initially felt prideful and regal, but decided she would much prefer being represented as more serene.

This one proved to be the most challenging. It was also a Source self interpretation, but this one - for the first time ever - didn't have a sole color that it wanted to be represented by. The colors depicted in the aura were the ones that I kept seeing; however, I felt no guidance on how to render the figure with four colors. After stewing on it a bit, I felt the inclination to go for a simple white figure with the colors I had seen surrounding it. My team and I have our own interpretations  on the meaning of this, all of which seemed to resonate with the sitter. 

Another Source self. What's interesting is that my sitter was part of the first batch of guide readings I had ever done (back in fall of 2011), and this painting seemed to be an "evolved" version of the one I had painted for her back then. I really dig this chick and am pretty satisfied with how the painting came out. The arm does bug me, but it's insignificant. 

My favorite of the batch, which has a similar story to the one mentioned above. The sitter for this one was also in my first ever batch. Back then, I had painted an enigmatic (but also magnetic) woman whom I always referred to as "Lady Night" in my mind. The sitter and I never figured out "who" she was (guide or Source self). Well, since the sitter specifically requested a Source self portrait, I can now say with confidence that "Lady Night" was the interpretation of her Source self one and a half years ago. But where she was laid-back and carefree, she is now focused, determined, and full of strength.

A guide portrait. This energy did feel as though being "seen" was unnecessary, which is something I don't encounter often from guiding energies. The eyes do bug me a bit, but I kind of like them at the same time, because they're not as "beautiful" as the eyes of almost every other energy I paint. Not in the aesthetically pleasing sense, anyway. The sitter did seem to resonate with her, though, so that's always good.

Another Source self for someone I've never painted for. It was refreshing to paint an energy attuned to gold - these kinds of energies are really something else. They always feel so pleasant. Otherwise... not much to say on this one!

And last... the soul connection portrait. We had a mini-debate about this one because the sitter originally asked if I could paint the Source self of someone who had no idea he'd be painted. In the end, we decided on a soul connection portrait, and if he popped up... well, he popped up. And I guess he did, because some of the interpretations of his energy matched that of the person my sitter was trying to understand/assist. That's all I'll really say for this one.

So in other words: another great session. I mentioned this in my personal blog, but I'm still very dissatisfied with my skill. These readings rely on my technical skill, so if I can't draw something, I can't draw it, which means I normally have to omit it or draw something else. I also need to work on acquiring more detail. I've gotten lazy because my interpreters usually say everything that I pick up on (then again, that's why they're there: to put my feelings into words and pick up on a few extra details). However, as I turn this into a "business," I would like to be able to start working independently unless I can find a person - or people - who would be willing to work alongside me for some extra information.

We'll see, I guess. 

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